Coach’s Coaching Tool

The Coaching Tool for Coaches (Completed with Coach + Supervisor/Trainer)
This form should be completed by the JT-ECE coach’s supervisor or project trainer monthly, or more as needed. Please be mindful that a safe, inclusive and reflective space is needed. A copy of this will be emailed to the JT-ECE coach and their supervisor/trainer.
Note: Starting December 2024, copies of forms will be forwarded to the coach and supervisor upon entry into the research portal. We suggest you create a rule or a folder pathway in your OhioGuidestone inbox to keep these organized and stored for these coaching sessions.

JT-ECE Coach's Reflection

The supervisor or project trainer will use the prompts to guide a conversation with a JT-ECE coach. Use the spaces for comments, action items, or examples.

Here are some reflection prompts that might be helpful:
During interactions with clients I:

1. recognize when my pre-existing beliefs are influencing the interaction.
2. consider how my personal thoughts and feelings are influencing the interaction.
3. recognize when my client's pre-existing beliefs are influencing the interaction.
4. consider how their personal thoughts and feelings are influencing the interaction.

After interacting with clients I:

5. spend time thinking about what was said and done.
6. wonder about the client's experience of the interaction.
7. wonder about my own experience of the interaction.
8. think about how things went during the interaction.

9. I think about how I might improve my ability to work with clients.
10. I critically evaluate the strategies and techniques I use in my work with clients.
Please note that this could be positive, neutral or even challenging reactions.
Please note that this could be related to your own internal reflections perspectives and personality traits -or- this could be related to an educators perspective your direct experiences with them -or- some of their characteristics -or- even something related to the environment in which you all exchanged interactions.

JT – ECE Coaching Plan

The supervisor or project trainer will prompt reflection and note actions since the last coaching session, and prepare a plan for the upcoming weeks of JT-ECE project activity.
Example: Wizard Kisses- Going to suggest Ms. Brittany use these to help Kristina stay on her cot during naptime -and- still give her needed attention.

Review JT-ECE Coach Fidelity:

The supervisor or trainer should complete this section. Choose “Yes” or “No” for each item, and include comments below.
“No” answers might suggest actions that are not yet applicable because of the project schedule, areas that the coach needs more support or to revisit training material, or activities that have moderators that need to be addressed during coaching sessions.

The fidelity section covers:
  • Scheduled Activities
  • JT-ECE Observations
  • Educator/Administrator Interactions
  • Coach Reflections