Daddy & Me Day!

Multicolor flyer describing Free basketball skills camp for dads and kids at a Daddy and Me day hosted by OhioGuidestone's Institute of Family and Community Impact. The event detail are included for Saturday June 17, 2023 at 10:30am-12pm at Lakewood YMCA in Cleveland OH. Call 216.644.1706 to sign-up.


Daddy & Me Day!

Calling all Cleveland dads to join us on Saturday, June 17, 2023 between 10:30am-12pm at Lakewood Y.M.C.A. for a free basketball skills camp for dads & kids. This event is a part of the Ohio Commission on Fatherhood’s June Fatherhood Month, as well as OhioGuidestone’s Institute of Family & Community Impact’s events to support father-child relationships for healthy families and communities.

Our Daddy & Me Day! 2023 is: FULL. Please click this link to sign-up for the waitlist.