Family Survey 2

Protective Factors Survey, 2nd Edition (PFS-2)

Please enter your full first and last name. If you are in an OhioGuidestone research study, please use your access code. Need help? Email:

Your responses to this survey are confidential. If you need assistance completing the form, please ask a member of the staff.

For each of the following, mark the response that most closely matches how you feel.

The following questions are about your experiences so far in this program or organization. Your answers to these questions can help staff improve services for you and others like you, so it's important you answer honestly. For each of the following, mark the response that most closely matches how you feel.

Sometimes it's hard for families to afford everything they need. For each of the following, check all that apply.

Please tell us about the children living in your household.

These last few questions are about you and your household. They will be used to help program staff understand the needs of people and families they are serving, and improve the service provision. Remember, your responses to this survey are confidential.